

    How is DEEDEE different than Cartier, Tiffany, VanCleef and other high-profile, elite jewellers? The answer is simple: other than the big brand name and the significant surcharge that comes with it, you will enjoy all the same assurances and quality, while gaining focused world-class one-on-one expertise with discreet and unconditional personal service, transparent and free from high pressure.

    Our boutique company is here to empower people buying fine jewellery to make educated, informed and most importantly, suitable choices when selecting a special piece or cultivating a collection over the long term.

    Our boutique company is a perfect fit for you if:

    You want a trusted advisor who invests time to get to know you and to understand your needs.

    You require the perfect jewel or gift quickly and easily without wasting days or weeks searching and doing research.

    You hope to create optimum impact and influence - in your personal or professional life - with jewellery tailored to your individual style

    You love jewellery and need professional, no-nonsense answers to all your questions.

    Your joy of purchasing jewellery has been reduced by suffering the aggravations and limitations of retail jewellery sales and you're looking for a superior experience.

    You wish to feel completely confident about all your jewellery decisions.

    All our jewellery is designed and crafted in Toronto from ethically sourced gemstones and materials. We are proud to offer an exclusive range of designs as well as the finest bespoke service available anywhere.

    We see ourselves as our customers' jeweller. The same way as you have your doctor, your accountant and your lawyer, we are the professional jeweller of our clients; a relationship that is often carried through members and generations of a family.

    We are very service oriented. We realize our clients want to shop where they feel they belong; where the emotional and rational reasons for their choices are understood.

    If you're ready to have a meaningful discussion about jewellery, one that exceeds your expectations and assures you that your needs will be effortlessly met, then DEEDEE Private Jeweller service is perfect for you.